Mindsets and Heartsets

The saying no man is an island is true, for it is impossible to live alone. For this reason all humans have a relationship.

7 billion people, 7 billion different minds, 7 billion different hearts, and 7 billion different desires.

The problem with people’s relationships is working it out, because one way or another, these number would always contradict each other because of one’s desire. Very many people have given insights about working it out or even perfecting relationships.

I would just like to add one.

Relationship is not self-centered receiving but sacrificial giving.

The different desires of people are the reason of conflict. And this self desire justifies self worth. That one’s life is above anyone thus deserved better.

But a life that desires better will never end and so will conflicts. For always, somehow or other, a person would always seem to deserve better.

The only way to end this is to not to ask what better do I deserve but do I really deserve anything…

About gabnones

A Christian, Husband, Father, Campus Missionary, Naruto, One Piece, One Punch, Ghibli films, Star Wars & LoTR fan.

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